If there's a Game that deserves a perfect score, That would be non-other Planescape: Torment.

User Rating: 10 | Planescape: Torment PC
Planescape: Torment is hard to describe, It's a Game one must experience it to understand it, however I will do my best. Planescape opens a new door for gaming that allows someone to experience a good story instead of just reading or watching it.

The Game:
Torment is based on the Infinity Engine, the same Engine that powered Baldur's Gate and Icewind dale. Torment is also loosely based on AD&D in terms of saving throws, hit die and so on.

Other than the above, Torment is unique in story and setting Allow me to explain:
There are no Elves, dwarfs, gnomes, Halflings, etc…. Sure there are humanoids and super natural beings, But that all adds to make Torment Different than it's counter parts. The Hero of the game is The Nameless One, Woke up in Mortuary with no memories save for flash backs that hardly helps, Tons of scars and tattoos decorate his pale Grey skin. All that he knows is that he gets cut, Burns, crushed and he gets better.

Torment Uniqueness knows no bounds, Companions who help The Nameless one in his quest are Unique themselves, each with his/her story and reasons for helping the Nameless One: A Floating Skull, A Githzerai Who wields a Karach blade, A tiefling thief, A fallen Succubus, A Burning mage, A Modron gone Rouge and Finally a Spirit that might be the Avatar of justice itself. More Unique are the Items: Blood drops that heal wounds, Fly charms that invokes swarms of insects, and even Unique Eyes that can replace normal eyes.

Torment is a Story driven game, a lot of what happens depends on your Dialog choices (Which can be good or evil, lawful or chaotic), you gain most Xp from recovered memories, quest solving although not limited to fighting monsters. However most of time you will be speaking to city's denizens to learn and advance through the game. There's a lot to read, But since it's written masterfully you'll be hooked and Immersed quickly.

To Add Even more of the Uniqueness, The English used in torment differs a lot from your normal English, it's tricky to understand the words at first, but after an hour or so you'll begin to understand just fine. Now in almost every quest or dialog you have choices, they choices will most of the time alter your alignment, allowing you the choice to proceed in Good, Evil, Lawful or chaotic Alignment. You also can join one of the many factions in the game, some would require a certain alignment to join.

The Nameless One starts out as a Fighter. However there are many trainers who could train him in the Art (Magic) or Thievery. And he is able to switch classes freely. The graphics:
When the game was released back in 1999. The game's graphics was actually Superb, Each and every character was well animated and made unique, Although the resolution is questionable, you'll soon overlook it when you get into the game. Unlike BG and Icewind however, the game includes a quick bar which allows you to access Spells, Items and special abilities. Magic effects also deserve a praise, Until today I have seen no better spell effects, Higher level spells would actually make the screen darken and the game will pause, to allow you to see the great animation that's been done, some even higher level spells has 'movies' showing their effect. The game doesn't need a powerful system, and Fans has made a lot of fixes and enhancements for it.

Now there's nothing I could say that would be able to describe the game's Music, Suffice to say it blends in perfectly with the game. Sound effects and speech is well done and brings the game to live Making the game a pleasure to one's ears.

Value: Torment offers a great replay value, Simply because there's so much you can do in single play through and much more to in the second, choices are many: Would you be a lawful good fighter? A chaotic good mage? Neutral evil thief? Much combinations can be made, and each play through will be unique.

Bottom line:
Torment is a shining example of game that is perfect in every sense, If you're a Role-playing fan and haven't played Torment, Then Shame on you! If you aren't than you're you missing out a fine piece of gaming.