I look at the clock and realise it's 6.30am. I just lost 6 hours of my life and I don't want them back!
First though, watch the official tutorial videos on youtube (there is a link to them in the games launcher). After you've done that, you'll know exactly what you are doing and this 'learning curve' people talk about is just vaporized.
The payment model for this game is sort of fair. People that don't pay can get every item that gives any actual gameplay additions, it just takes longer. A LOT longer. If someone goes into it throwing their cash around they will have a diverse selection of equipment that they can use to adapt to any given situation whenever they want. Free player will not, it'll be a long time before you can get your first new gun. Not that you can't beat those that pay with the starter weapons, you can, but they have more ways to. Ultimately though, you can totally play this game for free..
The other things about the payment model is the appearance items. I've played quite a bit now and have not got any weapon or vehicle skins, nothing like that that. You have to pay for that stuff. Which is a shame, there should at least be SOME cosmetics available to free players other than your battle rank logo.
You can have some seriously amazingly long, intense and massive all out three faction warfare in this game.. and it's addictive. I have not yet once played for the amount of time I told myself I would, I always played for longer.
But.. the bugs. They can be game breaking at times. I've fallen through the world while creeping up the side of buildings more times than I can remember. I've crashed, locked up on loading screens.. had people disappear. The whole world has disappeared around me a few times. They need to get them fixed asap.
You will not find a FPS with more people battling the same fight at the time and in the same place as each other. Seeing hundreds of people and tanks and ships going crazy at each other is just exhilarating and I've never experienced anything like it before. To me, it's the new king of online shooters and makes games like CoD and B3 look like babies in comparison.
If you are looking for a MMORPG type shooter.. this isn't it, it's MMOFPS. This is pure FPS fan service and it delivers.