worst multiuplayer fps ive played
User Rating: 3 | PlanetSide 2 PC
At first i thought this game would be great because of the hype.Yet again i got dissapointed.Interface is the hardest i ever seem meaning i literally have no clue on what to do.I couldnt even find controls in options.Pressed escape and no menu for this.This was one of the factors that let me leave in disgust.Help is like an essay with big texts you have to read to understand what is going on.Well i couldnt spend 2 hours on reading these things.Graphics are horrible even though i played it on max.Textures are terrbile,sound is also bad.Game lags incredibly much.And the game makes you wonder what is its purpose.You spawn take a vehicle and you dont know where to go.I personally wanted to get used to controls of these copters at first and i couldnt find any option.It may be massive but it also lags massively and you get killed every 2 seconds.
Thanks but i dont want this kind of game even if its free.I dont want to spend time on leveling up to unlock new weapons and such things.I will stick to other games,that arent free but offer a far better quality than this garbage.