Planetside 2 is just all about what games should be: FREAKING UNSTOPPING FUN.
Planetside 2 takes you to the battlefield instantly, and its is a true battlefield. This is real scale war. Battles are fun, intense, well balanced, and ENDLESS. You can play a few minutes and get wiped by the enemy, then quit, and come back in a few hours, and the tides of battle could be totally turned. That's a good thing if you get easily frustrated or have a low tolerance to challenge.
Teamwork is the way to go if you wanna have plain fun. Getting on with a squad or simply running along, aiding your teammates in battle makes you feel helpful and each enemy killed or kill-assisted is a great reward, and a step closer to successfully defending or taking over a base. Just don't give up, because your team needs YOU!
There's plenty of classes, which can be switched each time you're killed. Each one with useful skills and tools necessary to create synergy within squads. Each class, tool, weapon and vehicle has a very interesting and well designed tweak and development skill-tree to customize or specialize to different types of battlefield. This is done through a skill point system, which in spite of being the hook to get you to pay real cash, seems fair and wont give pay-to-win players extreme advantage over casual players, since you don't "improve" your tools, just give em little tactical boosts.
Overall, this has been a very fun game to play alone, still don't try it with my friends, but if you liked Battlefield 1940, Vietnam, and other similar titles, you MUST give Planetside 2 a try.