Hands down best MMO out there if technical issues were overcome and more people played it.
Unfortunately, the pitfalls are all due to technical issues.
The game itself, if you can get past all the bad programming is one of incredible ingenuity and just pure fun.
This is the kind of game where leadership really matters. A war is waged based on real people's reactions. The art of war is real in this game. When you make a decision you make it within your rank. Everyone has a purpose.
In the game you attain Command Ranks which is a different kind of experience you get for leading a squad to do objectives. Every time you go up a rank, you can speak to those of similar rank in your area. This creates a real command hierarchy where the lower squad leaders are called on by the higher commanders to do objectives. In my experience, we were in a clan that specialized in special operations. Going behind enemy lines and disrupting supply lines. Our leader was often called upon by the cr5s (the highest rank) to destroy a generator as they were getting ready to orchestrate a way to attack a new base on a new front.
No game will ever immerse you as much as this game will.
If you like teamwork then this is the game to play.
having said that the other problem is population, something that is seriously lacking. :-(