User Rating: 7 | PlanetSide PC
Planetside is an overpriced, boring, first person shooter with slow paced combat that requires little, if any, skill. The vehicle physics are below sub par, and the air vehicles are even worse off; however, after playing the beta test, I have to admit, im hooked. This mediocre lagfest has a hold on me, and I dont know why. Even though I could waste my days playing technically superior games, e.g. Halo (or the less succesful, but equally, if not more entertaining, Mobile Forces) for its intense vehicle combat; Quake III, Raven Shield or Counter Strike for their superior speed and twitch oriented combat; and Soldier of Fortune II or Tribes II for their squad based combat, I always came back to Planetside. You may be wondering why this insurmountable waste of time and money has such a hold on me, and I can tell you with a straight face, that I really dont know. But, I do have two theories, the first of which is freedom. In game, you can really do whatever you want, whenever you want, wherever you want. Even though you are rewarded for working in a squad, it isnt a neccesity. If you want to join a squad, wait around for 20 minutes while they debate over exactly where in the massive world they want to go , listening to ridiculous remarks like "I dont want to go to Hossin, its too cold" or "HOW BOUT DEM' BENGALS!!!" from your idiot squadmates with names like BuzzLightBeer and BigTexas (By the way, you can usually find me on Johari under the name BigTexas :P). Or, if you dont feel like working with your teammates, you could just as easily hop in any of a variety of one man vehicles and venture forth on your own. My second theory is by far the more plausible, Sony Online Entertainment is EVIL!!!. Yes thats right, SOE is evil. Planetside is an attempt to ensnare the first person shooter community, made up of casual gamers for the most part, and swallow their souls in the same manner as the role playing folk were devoured alive by Everquest. Well, maybe Sony doesnt want to absord our souls ala Chucky but they are after our money... dear god, our money, $50 plus $13 a month is excessive to say the least. And one addiction leads to another, before you know it, you will be up at 4 am playing Planetside, and need a caffeine fix, so you'll drink a Mountain Dew, or a Red Bull, you know, just one to keep you up. But before you know it, this will be every night, and you will be broke and unfulfilled. So listen to me and listen good, they already got me, dont make my mistake. Stay clean. DONT buy Planetside, DONT do the Dew... dear god dont do the dew...