A pioneer in the bad movie tie-in genre.
In level 1, which is where my knowledge of the game ends, your goal is to navigate a maze of paths and find explosives to blow up a bridge with. As you're walking through this maze of trees and jungle plantlife, enemies will pop out of nowhere and shoot you down. If you have lightning fast reflexes, you just MIGHT be able to kill a few of them. But the only way to beat them is trial and error, basically constantly dieing and remembering where the enemies are the next time around. Even with this knowledge, the enemies often don't give you enough time to even get a shot off. I remember being bad at this game when I first played it, which was several years ago. Recently I figured I'd try to give it another go, and I was yet again unsuccessful. I recommend you don't play this game if you have self-esteem issues, since not being able to pass the first level may make you feel like a turd. They should probably put that warning on the box before some parent sues.