Rest In Peace super smash bros!

User Rating: 9 | PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale PS3

PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale is a cross over fighting game featuring many famous PlayStation characters including Sweet Tooth, Kratos, Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, Sly Cooper, Nathan Drake and many more. Many people believe that this is just a rip-off of super smash bros but here's something some people need to learn, SUPER SMASH BROS WAS NOT THE FIRST CROSSOVER FIGHTING GAME. There have been a number of crossover fighting games before super smash bros, such as Marvel vs. Capcom. Also the way you fight opponents and score points in PlayStation All-Stars are different from how you do it in super smash bros. In PlayStation All-Stars instead of having a health bar for each character, there is meter for using level 1, 2, or 3 attacks. And once the meter is full you press R2 to unleash your super attack. Level 1s are short range, level 2 unleash something that goes across the entire arena and there are 3 different kinds of level 3s some let you roam around instantly killing opponents, some are first person shooters and some instantly kill opponents in a scene. Unlike super smash bros, each character has their own unique move set. There are different ways each character fight, Heihachi is strong and uses karate, Spike has fictional weapons, Radec has his guns and other weapons, and Narkio has a large sword. There are also pickups in the game. You can throw an ice bomb at an opponent to slow them down, an ax that helps you spin around make the meter go up faster, a rocket launcher which when you shoot at an opponent it takes away some of their energy from their power meter and more. The only reason why I gave this game a 9 instead of a 10 is because of the roster. There many characters who are missing (Spyro, Crash, Sora, Cloud, Abe, Lara Croft and more) and there are a few who really shouldn't even be in the game (Fat Princess, Toro, Evil Cole, Emmett Graves, Isaac, and Zeus). There are a lot of people who believe that this is just a rip off of super smash bros. But just because Nintendo has a crossover fighting game doesn't mean Sony can't make one. So all of you ps3 and psvita owners should buy this game.