Beautiful environments, plenty of random people to talk to, but nothing to do...
But think about it for a second. What is the point of a beta? to check for glitches, stress on servers, and stress on the hardware. The only thing the Home beta has shown me, so far before the 11th release, is that it's just a visual chat room.
There is absolutely nothing to do in the Home world. There is bowling, two arcade games, pool, and chess. That's it. Nothing more. Yes, there is a movie theatre, where I was hoping to see a full length movie, but all it had playing was 'SOCOM.' It was supposed to be an exclusive video at that, turns out after waiting quite a length of time to watch the movie download, if you already bought the SOCOM: Confrontation game, you've already seen the video. And you've seen it without everybody in the theatre blasting music or talking profanely into thier headsets.
The shopping center. Oh what a joy, Americans can't get enough shopping in real life.. so why not add a virtual mall for our virtual selves! The shopping mall was a joke until the latest patch for the Qore beta testers. There was nothing in any of the stores. At all. How are we supposed to test the servers or anything for that matter if we do not have anything to test? The answer is simple. We can't. It's almost a foreboding presence that is foreshadowing the outcome of the release of Home.
If that isn't enough, and I just may be nit picking now, you run as fast as a turtle covered in molasses. Again I know what you're thinking. 'Run? You CAN'T run in Home! You JOG!' As sad as it is, it's true. No running. Takes pretty long to run for one place to another, or if you're trying to find a friend. On top of the running disappointment, there's no option to jump. I know, it isn't needed, but it is very much welcome considering there are 14 buttons on the PS controller yet only 8 or so are used. The rest just sit there and look pretty.
Unless there is something to do in these special new areas dedicated to games that we, the players, have been promised, or simple little things like increased speed, or jumping to maybe add entertainment, then this 'game' does not deserve anything over a 5.