Home is where the heart is...

User Rating: 10 | PlayStation Home PS3
Well i've been a closed beta user for a while now and I've found the last weeks updates quite a challenge to keep up with ;). Apart from a few tweaks to the locations its pretty much the same beast.

So what do you get for your $0/£0 price tag..

3D Multi-user environment where you can speak/chat and even spawn multiplayer games from.
A personal space where you can take friends
Club space where you can invite and others can ask for membership
Preview of upcoming and current games
Watch movie trailers
Play multi-user games like draughts, chess, pool and bowling with other users
Play simple arcade games
Buy clothes/furniture and play with them to your hearts content.

Its a great environment for talking with other PS3 users.. I've made dozens of online friends for multiplayer games like LBP and Warhawk. I login 3-4 times a week to play speed chess or draughts.

Home isn't a game its a forum for PS3 users to chat and experience PS3 stuff as such it is the best environment that I've so far been used.

I would gripe about the 4/5 second load times for locations but to be honest it looks so good at 720p I'll forgive it.

Perfect and will only improve..