A complete and utter FAILURE!

User Rating: 1 | PlayStation Home PS3
Playstation Home: delayed countless times, given all this hype, for what? It's terrible! Did Sony honestly think this would be something that would be a success? If so, then they're badly mistakened. First of all, Home is just out and out BORING! What is so fun about walking around and looking for others to chat with??? If you wanted to do that so badly, why not just come to GameSpot and chat with other gamers? Don't waste time playing this on your PS3. Instead, play something that's actually worth-while. You know, an actual game that's actually fun!

Home is nothing but a waste of time. (As the PS3 team over at IGN said) It's pointless to just walk around, stop, then talk to, or message a random person back and forth.

Home is pointless, and you shouldn't waste your time playing it. Some of you may think I'm being too harsh, but I'm just being brutally honest. Home is lame, and after playing it a bit, you'll realize what I've said is true.