Almost There! If the Beta is anything to go by.. BUT!

User Rating: 7 | PlayStation Home PS3
This seems pretty good in all. Its fun playing such games as draughts, chess, bowling and pool with other people. It is pretty responsive, it enables you to do so many things. It great that you can interact with pretty much anything. its great you can launch games from Home, it just makes Playstation life much more easier.

One thing gets on my nerves is the fact you have to pay to buy the little extras that make the game complete.

Almost Almost Almost Almost Almost Almost Almost Almost Almost Almost Almost Almost Almost Almost Almost Almost Almost Almost Almost Almost Almost There

SOO close Lol If it had i dunno go karting or somthing :P now that would be awesome, maybe they shud try and make it more sims like.

Not the feeding and showering crap tho as that would get boring