You can see where they want to go with this and the direction looks good.
User Rating: 8.5 | PlayStation Home PS3
The whole experince is actually quite nice, the social interaction is a welcome change to the Playstation 3. The downloading of every new location is very tedious but the new ares have a variety all their own. Avatar creations has a lot to be desired but is sure to improve a time goes by. As of today the location are Farcry, Uncharted, Central plaza, Theatre, The Mall, The bowling alley and your living space. Central Plaza has a Jumbo tron that pumps out beats twenty four seven and a mini game where you fly a spaceship around, The Mall has tons of stores where you can buy new outfits home decor or appliances for your home, you can even buy a new Home if you like. The downfall is microtransactions are rampant the are everywhere and on everything from floor lamps to vacation homes, there is also an area where you can play chess but beware if you are winning the opponent can just up and leave. The bowling alley has everything you would expect a bowling alley to have. Pool tables, aracde machines, loud noises and yes actual bowling but expect to wait in line as this is the most popular area. The Uncharted space is kinda whack it has an arcade section and a set of chairs where you can get away from it all. Thats right a set a chairs two chairs. But wait what else is in Drake's bar doors with keypads on them that are locked where do they go what's behind the noone knows or at least not me anyway. The theater just plays clips of twilight over and over and over again. But when you down load it it says that there are supposed to be twelve screens when it is fully functioning and playing Sony movies that were blockbusters but are still really popular. The Farccry location has two sites the backdrop and the railway. That's about it. The whole experince seems like it will be groundbreaking when it is up and running fully.