PlayStation Home has a lot of potential but unfortunately, at this stage, it isn't very entertaining at all.
Yes, you have to pay to make your character look cool. And yes, you can find a few good-looking clothing items for free but nearly everything else costs money. I don't know who came up with this stupid idea that half of the features in a *FREE* online community actually have to be bought with real money. Well, at least Sony is generous enough to give us free online play.
I have to say that PlayStation Home really did look very promising when I first looked at it. But after spending around 3 hours on it, I had nothing else to do. Sure, it's an alright place for social interactions with other players and you can download maps/worlds based on cool PS3 exclusives that offer mini games which can be entertaining for 5 and up to 10 minutes (they're actually free too). But alright isn't good enough for such a large and successful company like Sony. I did meet a few interesting people on Home, but overall I'd recommend staying away from it for at least another year and possibly longer if Sony doesn't come up with any new features and ideas that could save what could have been a fantastic online, virtual world.