Home is probably not what you're expecting.
When the Home icon first appeared on the XMB, I was amazed and clicked it immediately. The process downloaded pretty quickly and I was immediately immersed in the character creation process. I created my avatar and began my life in PlayStation Home.
Here I am going to breakdown the networking system and what I rate it.
Overall, Home looks pretty good. The graphics are pretty decent for a next-gen title and most of the animations and textures look solid. Nothing too fancy here, but probably all that needs to be for a streaming networking community.
Well, there's really not much to say here except for the occasional beeps from your menu and then of course, Listen@Home, which is kinda awkward to play around with. Listen@Home is a sort-of playlist working system where votes determine the next song to play, which by the way, are all very cheesy to listen to. BTW, Let Your Chain Swing will almost always be playing. The other sounds and music are just from arcade machines, bowling alleys, advertisements, etc. etc.
This is probably where the majority of Home users are upset. There really isn't much to do in PlayStation Home at all. You'll find yourself just dancing in front of people or playing arcade machines to unlock more clothes. The movie theater is kind of odd to be in as it plays the same things over and over, and unless you walk up to the front and watch in full-screen mode, there will be a bunch of heads in the way.
This is where some cool stuff is at. It can be pretty fun talking to people and just hanging around (albeit you have either a headset or a fast typing device such as an expensive keypad). There is some cool stuff to probably be held at in the future such as more home spaces, furniture etc.
Overall, the presence of the "game" I don't feel was as big as it was set out to be. The character creation can be nice, but unless you pay 50 cents for everything in there to buy, your collection will be limited. Let me rephrase that point. You will have hardly anything to choose from unless you purchase clothes. How about 5 shirts and 5 pants? Yeah, pretty good stuff there. And let's not forget - - you can't change the color of anything. Yeah!
PlayStation Home can be a fun experience for a couple of hours, but the lack of fast updates and not too much to do for the most part really bring the game down. However, if you're looking for a place to just hang out for no reason, then head on over to PlayStation Home (and hope you can sign in, because you can't all the time) Cheers.