Despite the critisicm, I really do like this game.
where you create your avatar, talk to people, play games, socialize, buy
stuff for your house and even change house. You can even visit the cinema
and watch a video. I know about the critisicm, but I love it. Its kinda of a bit
of a guilty pleasure. Sony has promised some cool stuff for the future. Like
lower prices on the accessories like furniture, clothes and houses, new
places like cafeterias, amusment parks with rides and even trophies. Yeh,
now your interested,eh? If you dont believe me, buy the PLAY magazine.
It'll tell you all about it and about the cool new stuff. PLaystation Home is
cool and I hate it when people diss it. Thats dissing me for the record!
Get it, its free for gods sake! C'mon get it. Fantastic experience which puts
thousand of avatars at once in the same place!