HOME features a fantastic concept, but it looks like that`s pretty much it

User Rating: 4 | PlayStation Home PS3
I got my PS3 and played MotorStorm right away. I saw the HOME icon but put little attention to it "I´ll check it out some other time"

When I finally did it, first thing came to my mind was something like "looks like MSN messenger with 3D avatars! cool" Controls are cool, graphics are fine. The concept of massive communication,a real gaming community is awesome!

Why a four? when I downloaded the plaza, the mall and some other stuff...WTF? you will be charged for everything! 2 bucks for an imaginary CK jacket? are they out of their heads? this is not even a game! (actually is a BETA gamers community). If DLCs of PS3 games have been criticized for their high prices, what is going to happen with this? Pay 5 bucks for Soul Calibur´s Yoda, or RE5´s versus add-on. What are you going to get here for the same 5 bucks? a jacket and a jeans? I don´t find it good enough.

Hopefully that would be fixed in the final versions. Use an in-game system to get money! change trophies and achievements for money! give us clothing and stuff by finishing standard games! I won´t pay real money for a fantasy piece of clothing. Looks like I´m going to be HOMEless.