The PSP Hardware has picture storing, mp3 playing, video playing, and game playing capabilities all on one widescreen. But a lot of people say that the PSP's capabilities and features are just more of the same- what you'd expect from Sony. The PSP's features aren't exactly good enough to be called perfect, or even great. You must buy multiple memory sticks to keep all the data you want on it, because of poor memory life. The only pictures you can put on the PSP Hardware are small JPEGs. I have little complaints in this area, considering it's new, but it would be a whole lot better if it could store PNGs and GIFs. The only music it can play are MP3s. Therefor you cannot import songs from the CD you just bought, but you must buy every song on it again off of iTunes or RealPlayer. Major Bogus in this area, and that's exactly why the PSP can't compete with an iPod. The only videos it will play are MPEG4s. No Movie Clips, RealPlayer Presentations, no MPEGs, or anything like it. Besides that, most videos in the MPEG4 file format are too big to put on a memory stick duo. The game playing part is rather decent, with a widescreen and excellent graphics. However, when you highlight the GAME item from the menu, there is an option to play games saved on the memory stick. This is still a mystery to me, though some people have claimed to have played NES ROMs on it. Overall, the PSP is overpriced and overappreciated, but decent fun if you like bringing you PS2 on a road trip.
The arrival of the new PSP is truly a day in history. That $250 you'll be spending will be for the best portable system out today. The incredible visuals that even rival that of the PS2, and the great sound and the multi... Read Full Review
What is the PSP? Apparently no one knows, not even Sony. The PSP is supposed to be a handheld system that plays games, MP3s and videos. That all sounds cool, but there are problems. The audio sounds very tinny when you l... Read Full Review