If you love portable gaming, then this is a must buy
The homescreen is designed really nicely, but again, you can't use the analogs and buttons to select anything. You're forced to use the touch screen. I love the touch screen and it works really well, but it would be nice to be given the option of using the controls. Another minor inconvenience is when you click to open anything, a secondary menu pops up and asks if u want to start what you opened. Of course I want to open it. I clicked on it, didn't I? I'm sure Sony could have found a better way to get into and close an app.
My next big complaint is about these stupid apps that I can't delete. Why in the hell should I have to keep welcome park. I got 30 seconds of enjoyment out of it and then I moved it to a screen with all my other useless apps. I don't need to keep maps on my vita. My phone does that for me. They could've just put maps in the Playstation store as an optional download. Then there's the useless web browser that has never been helpful. But we're forced to only be able to use this stupid web browser. But there are still some good apps. Netflix of course is always a great app. Unfortunately, every time I try to watch something on it, it says the service is down temporarily. The twitter app is the sexiest twitter app I've ever used. One of my favourite new apps the vita comes with is Near. It's neat to go on and see who's playing in your area.
The Playstation store is great, but at the same time it's stupid. It's nicely designed and it's great that you can purchase a good number of new games for 5 dollars less than you can get them for in stores. When I first looked at the store, I saw all these psp games they had and I thought, "man, that is awesome!" Then I looked at the games and realized that they were all garbage. The games that I wanted weren't even on the store so I settled with the less than satisfactory "Assassin's Creed Bloodlines." Then I looked at tv shows to buy. For one, you can't download a whole season. You have to download each episode individually. And why is an episode of Jackie Chan Adventures $2.49? I love the show, but there's no way I'm spending that much on each episode. But on a more positive note, this store is headed in the right direction. Hopefully it will pave the way for a future where every game can be downloaded digitally.
Playing games on the Vita is awesome. Rayman Origins looks so good on that gorgeous screen. Everyone says the vita had such a strong launch lineup, but I disagree. There was one game I wanted and that was Rayman. But I am excited for what the future holds for vita games.
I don't want you to get the wrong idea. I love the vita. I didn't even realize how many little problems I had with it until I started doing this review. But that's the thing, they're all just little problems. The battery life wasn't near as bad as I was expecting it to be. The Vita is still a great system with a promising future and I can't wait to see what comes next.