Simple idea, bad execution, I guess that’s what they we’re going for with Pocketbike Racer because they achieved just th

User Rating: 3.9 | Pocketbike Racer X360
Hey you like Mario Kart right? Well this is the same thing, except they changed the karts for pocketbikes and the Mario characters for Burger King mascots. Every well known (yeah right…) mascot is here, the King, Whopper Jr., and the chicken. There is also superstar model Brook Burke, who was a character in Need For Speed Underground 2, so she knows a lot about the world of illegal street racing, and it shows in this game.

The game also features an extremely limited character creation tool; you can choose from a couple of incredibly normal people and change the color of their pants, shirts and hair, WOW! And why would you want to be normal when you can be a giant hamburger.

And now for the racing, in one word, bleh, There are five tracks in the game and lots of motorcycles that are rated in speed, acceleration and handling, but they all feel like you are driving a cement block with glue on the bottom over a sandpaper road. The bikes handle so bad its unbelievable. When you hit a wall, you stop, even if you only brush it, and you can try turning away from it, but it takes so much time, it’s like you’re magnetized to the wall. It’s just easier and faster to stop, back-up and go again than just turn away from the wall.

One thing that is great in this game is the intro screen, you see the King, on a pocketbike in front of a green screen, but instead of the screen, you see shots of roads passing by, and it’s just mind-blowingly awesome. In short, buy this game if you want to see a sweet intro, or to collect the whole set of Burger King games, but if you’re looking for a good cheap racer, go elsewhere.