This is the best of the 3 games from Burger King! And it gets that from the multi-Player mode. Its kinda like Mario Kart

User Rating: 6.2 | Pocketbike Racer X360
This is the best of the 3 games from Burger King! And it gets that from the multi-Player mode. Its kinda like Mario Kart, but not as good. Its a deal for the price though. So go out and pick it up! This is the best of the 3 games from Burger King! And it gets that from the multi-Player mode. Its kinda like Mario Kart, but not nearly as good. If you catch it at the bargain bin give it a try. Its nice that it has achievements though, although they are not the easiest to come by. Since they don't sell it at burger king you don't even have to eat the crappy food anymore to get it! YAY!