Please Dont Buy this game...

User Rating: 2 | Pocketbike Racer X360
This is a bad, bad game. I advise you to Purchase the meal instead. Burger King ain't bad, but it's not good either. The Creation of their food reflects the making of this game, Poor, Very unhealthy, and it will leave you nautious*
This game is terrible for several reasons:

Gameplay: Wow i get to ride the king of all burgers in a pocket bike derby, hucking missiles and heavy weapons at other racers... sounds fun right?
I'll tell you that doing this the entire race really drags on. This game alltogether on one-player mode is not fun...I got a kick out of it for the first 5 minutes, (like most people) but after about half an hour this gets oh so very dull...
You thought that was all!!! The Ai in this game is so obscenly stupid it
couldn't even make a turn,It runs right into a wall at some points. That example is for race mode, The battle mode is where the enemys really shine, now in battle mode you are given the same courses as in race mode,any changes? Nope, Exept the fact that you see the rival racers suicide bombing of the cliffs... Or Trying to go backwards and hitting a wall, reversing, and doing it again (I counted about 13 times before the computer turned around and shot sombody with their "bottle rocket". Throuought the course of an hour of playing i had only been shot 2 times! I had already made at least 50 hits.

Graphics... Meh they did ok but seeing the king use the same taunt over and over aint that cool

Sound: After 10 minutes of playing I decided to mute my television. The reason being that for every level they have 1, count it 1 song. 1 guitar riff, or tune that lasts about 30 seconds, than loops!

And last but not least Value... 4 smackers... defintly woth every penny. No more no less. Once you play this a good 3 times it'll be neatly put away in your sock drawer forever...

Hey King games... Great Job... : )