Racing Mini Bikes for Fun

User Rating: 6 | Pocketbike Racer X360
Pockect Bike Racer is all about mini racing bikes. I wanted to see how this game was because I thought the concept was fun and to me it was, the only thing is that is a game in a very low budget and it works both for regular Xbox and Xbox360. The Xbox360 version you can play single palyer or you can also play with another person dividing your screen, it also has a multiplayer feature and you can unlock achivements if you are good at it. Racing with all the BK characters is kind of fun, it remembers me allot like the old Mario Kart for Super Nintendo wher you through bombs and drop oil to make the other player loose. So basically is a racing game with fun features, the graphics are not that good and the music is repetitive so keep that in mind. Overall I think is a fun game just that, play it as a last resort when you just want to race with others.