It could have been decent if there were more content or if all he mini-games were put together in a compilation.

User Rating: 1.6 | Pocketbike Racer X360
Oh boy if seeing ads on a normal game wasn't bad enough here comes Pocket Bike Racer and judging from the money it has made it will be no suprise if we see more of it in the near future. There is not much to talk about graphics arn't all that great gameplay is pretty solid and is a Mario Kart with hamburgers and lameness attached to it. There is like 12 racers and a very weak create a character mode although its more like choose the layout and color of your character mode. There is online which is fun if you can do it with a few friends and just talk smack while racing around. Perhaps the best part of this game is the fact that their is achievments and the FMV sequence at the begining which is cool. All in all this game ain't good and you will get bored of it from the time of an hour to a day it is that bad of a game.