Solid foundation, yet they failed to put up the rest of the house.
User Rating: 7.5 | Pokemon Battle Revolution WII
I would first like to say that this game looks amazing. Clearly better than any Gamecube incarnations of the game and in fact one of the better looking Wii games thus far. The sound effects are pretty good, all attacks have the appropriate sound effects. Though, the announcer does tend to be something of a kill-joy. However, the options for actual gameplay are limited. True you can battle your Diamond/Pearl counterparts in all three glorious dimensions, and it has a very Stadium-esque feel, but it has no mini-games or any story mode to speak of. You can obtain points to buy hold items and TM's for your Diamond/Pearl game, but the point values required are more outrageous than the Game Corner prizes. And the "borrowed" game cards give you an underwhelming choice of battle partners. In short, if you're a pokemon fan who loved Stadium and have Diamond/Pearl, you'll like this game, albeit with a little "been there, done that" feel to it. However, if you love the adventure and story of the hand-held more than anything else, give it a pass. What the game truly boils down to is a $50.00 expansion for Diamond/Pearl.