Real let down from what the GC games were, and seems more like a step back in the wrong direction!

User Rating: 6.4 | Pokemon Battle Revolution WII
Well the game I been looking forward to and alot of others to see there amazing pokemon in 3D fighting action! However thats about all your going to get in this poor excuse for a game!

First off this game is at full price $60 in Canada, $50 in the states so your normal price for a wii game, when it conclusion this game is nothing more then a cheap add on to the pokemon games for the DS. This game allows you to battle with pokemon in different tournments, each with there own special trait. The game allows you to transfer over pokemon from your DS games, which is great, but what if you don't got a DS or pokemon? Well your stuck with the rental pokemon! Pokemon that are weak in most elements that there not even worth using in most cases. The rental are stuck in groups of six so you can't even pick a decent team! So your stuck with rental pokemon big deal? Well ok its not like I gain levels in this game anyway? Wait theres no storymode at all either? Thats right now story at least to go into the tournment just straight battling, one after another. WHICH GETS BORING FAST! Pokemon is good for 1 reason, it mixes alot of elements all into one game making it fun for everyone. I am a fan of battling but not all the time and so this game lost its touch within the first day or so. The games got nice graphics and decent controls, but in all other aspects it blows and its hard to even recommend this game. The game offers wi-fi ability, which is awesome since its the first wii game to get this function! Bad news theres no restrictions at all and so your stuck with immature 9 year olds using a whole team of ubers! Not that they know how to use them... The game allows DS to DS action but only if your in the area no wi-fi to the wii, no wii to ds action, no nothing. This is horrible. Your saying instead of wi-fi at home and battle my friend over the internet he has to come all the way over here just to play it? Pathetic is all I got to say! This game is a poor excuse for a game and I only would get it if you own a DS and pokemon for the 3D. However if your low in cash and just want a wii game then get the Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition that just came out or Super Paper Mario. This game is garbage and is by far the worst pokemon game I own.