60 bucks(canadian) for a game that basically just lets you import your pokemon from diamond/pearl is just too much. pokemon br does this + let you use your ds as a controller and is the first game to feature online play. just because pokemon br is the first game to feature online mode doesnt technically mean that its good. most of the time when u try to connect to the internet you reach an error screen and hasve to try again. the only nice thing imo that i saw was the visuals. the game uses nice effects and the character models are fairly decent. overall pokemon br is a below average game which you shouldnt be picking up unless you find one in a bargain bin for 25bucks or cheaper and even then its not worth getting unless you have diamond/pearl.
Other Helpful Reviews for Pokemon Battle Revolution
The first thing you need to know is that you cannot fully enjoy this game without a DS and either Diamond or Pearl. This is part of the reason why people give PBR such low scores, because it is more of an accesory than a... Read Full Review
First this is $50, it should be $20. The voice announcer is just annoying. It really has no point to the game besides 3-D battling. If you don't have diamond or pearl this game has no point to it. I would made this game ... Read Full Review