This game feels literaly broken unless you have Pokemon dimond or pearl
The bad: It is pratically REQUIRED of you to have Pokemon Diamond or Pearl on your DS. frend codes are rediculous, because there is no need for them sice you CAN NOT COMMUNICATE WITH ANY OTHER PLAYER IN ANY OTHER WAY, when playing online.
The game's artwork is great, but... It doesn't sell it to you... the turn based play is annoying as a barrel of slimjims... set on fire... and Chuck Noris...
The game is almost NO fun without D/P. Plus, this is DEFIANATLY NOT for people who aren't somewhat big fans of Pokemon. If you aren't very fond of pokemon, or you've barely ever heard of it, or just don't care about pokemon much, you are gonna be SO disappointed when you play this game.
The only thing yo do is battle with pokemon, in an extreamly chezzy turn based gameplay mode... that about it... It gets REAL old REAL fast.
If you've already played the other pokemon games for the N64 or GC, then you've already played this game. It is NO different.
I wish I could say something good about it, but thats all there is. I REALLY recommend not getting this game. But if your a REAL BIG pokemon fan,
rent it first, or MAYBE buy it used. Even if you are a BIG BIG BIG pokemon fan, and you don't have a DS... Don't even rent it...