Pokemon Battle Revolution! Must be revolutionary!

User Rating: 3.7 | Pokemon Battle Revolution WII
No, it is absolutely NOT revolutionary. It's barley long enough to be a game. In fact, PBR is exactly like Battle Frontier from Pokemon Emerald. Well, not exactly. It's basically Battle Frontier+gay announcer+another billion Pokemon. On the plus side, the graphics are outstanding, and battles, though repetitive, are still kind of fun. But this isn't enough to save this game from total failure. Oh yeah, and the online sucks %$#@. I guess we're going to have to wait until Mario Strikers Charged for a real online game. *Oh yeah, and if you're one of those dweebs who thinks this game is awesome because it's a Pokemon game, you especially should stay away from this game. Because if I hear another " Pokemon ********** is awesome because it has Pikachu in it", I am going to go on a homicidal rampage.

* Imagine that I put this at the end of my Pokemon Ranger/ Channel reviews, too.