Its pretty disappointing to the fact that it has no absolute story behind a $50 game. I would say two thumbs down on it.

User Rating: 4.5 | Pokemon Battle Revolution WII
Most of the pokemon games have a story line, most of which are the same, this game, has no story. I am very disappointed about the fact that it is $50 and you have to waste it all on a game which the main purpose is connecting your ds and battle. There is no absolute value to this game, rent it don't buy it.
If you want a good home console pokemon game, go for Pokemon Coloseum or Gale of Darkness. If you are a battle person and eager to battle people in full 3-D then go ahead buy it, otherwise Rent It.

The Ups. You are allowed to battle on Wi-Fi.

The Downs.
No Story Line.

There is nothing else to review on.