Only diehard Pokemaniacs need apply, otherwise you won't get the most from PBR.

User Rating: 7.5 | Pokemon Battle Revolution WII
It kind of saddens me to see some of the bad reviews this game has received, when in reality it's not at all bad.
It just seems to me some people expected too much.
Why they did I don't know.
The main purpose for this style of Pokemon game has always been to bring the Pokemon Battle formula we know and love to a third dimension and it does just that and a fine job of it too.

About the only thing this game lacks that other Pokemon Stadium style games had is minigames, but be honest - does the Wii really need MORE minigames? I don't think so.

The game has a single-player componant in which you take your team of Pokemon and battle against all the trainers on the Island so eventually you can be crowned master. Great fun.
But naturally the most fun comes from multiplayer, battling the creatures you've spent hours raising in the DS games and putting them in combat in full 3D.

There honestly isn't a whole lot you can say here.
If you don't like Pokemon, this won't be for you.
If you expect anything more then a tool to make your battles 3D, you'll be disapointed.
But those of you who have actually been paying attention to this game, the games in this vain before it - they'll know what to expect - and chances are you'll be fine with what you recieve.