It's fun for about a month, then it starts to shut down on you.
But later, Nintendo thought it would be a good idea to remake that idea and put it on the Wii. And it was very nice of a game but was not the best pokemon game out there.
It starts out, you put in your name and arrive in a place called Poketopia, where all they really do is battle with their Pokemon. You get to design your character, make them look like you, and battle throught the city of Poketopia.
You win money, buy accessories for your Pokemon and character, and unlock new places to battle. I never really finished the game, so I'm not sure if there's an ending to it.
When i first bought this game at my local GameStop, I was excite because I like Pokemon, and I like games. When I popped the game in, I thought I would get the same experience I did playing Pokemon Stadium on the N64. It was fun with good sound, wonderful colors and graphics, and also an annoying as hell announcer guy. But you can turn that off, which is what I did.
You have fun with the game at first, just like Wii Sports, but then it slows down and doesn't feel like the same game as it did when you first played it. Pokemon Battle Revolution is an okay game, but it would be better with a storyline and a little more gameplay.