Best in the Series
Graphics - 9/10, the reason they got 9 out of 10 is because in the battles, your pokemon still looks pixelated, (yes I know they move and the DS isn't awesome enough) it still made me feel like I was playing Red again.
Gameplay - 10/10, perfect 10 for gameplay because it is just so easy, it include all we know and love about the pokemon games with a little something extra.
Story - 9/10, this is an unconfirmed score mainly because I have only got one badge and havn't progressed far enough to learn the plot, all I know is team Plasma are up to no good and they are an awesome bad guy side with a kikass battle theme.
Overall - 9.5/10, that little 5 percent is very very minor, Ill still give this game a 10 in my rating just because I love the game so much.
Gamefreak have cleaned up the mess of Sinnoh and have given us the feast of Isshu.