It's the same old thing we have always seen...but that isn't a bad thing!
You start off as a child beginning his/her Pokémon adventure. You are given a Pokémon, a Pokédex and you are set off to collect the 8 gym badges of the brand new Unova region and battle its Pokémon Elite Four while fending off an evil team named Team Plasma. Sound familiar? Yes, it is pretty much the same storyline as every other Pokémon game. But you know what; this is exactly what is to be expected. To me, I have no problem with this. When I play a Pokémon game, this is exactly what I want to do. I want to collect the badges, battle the elite four and beat up on a bunch of mindless Team _____ grunts. That is what a Pokémon game is to me and if it is the same to you, Black & White is your cup of tea.
As for visuals, the game does not disappoint. Black & White carry on with the 3D aspects of Pearl/Diamond and HeartGold/SoulSilver, but of course, it has been updated. There are plenty of giant 3D bridges that really take advantage of the DS visual capabilities. There are even small cut scenes throughout your adventure that look incredible. The only complaint I have toward the graphics are the sprites of the characters. Having 2D sprites in a 3D world just really doesn't go well most of the time. For example, seeing your paper thin character ride a giant 3D Ferris wheel just isn't so pleasing to the eye. However, on the upside, the Pokémon themselves look really stunning. Though they are a tiny bit pixelated when they move around during battle, they still look great. When you send one out into battle, it actually feels like you're controlling a living creature instead of just the picture of one. All in all, the game does not disappoint when it comes to graphics.
I've already beaten the game, however I have not been able to try out all the brand new Wi-Fi features included with Black & White. So I cannot base this review with these Wi-Fi additions. Though I haven't tried them, they do seem very interesting. The main new online thing they added that I am looking forward to the most is the ability to battle anyone without exchanging friend codes. To me, exchanging friend codes was always a pain when I just wanted to battle anyone without going to a forum site and getting people's friend codes. Now, it is possible! There are a bunch of new features like the Dream World, Global Link and Entralink. I don't know much about these new features, but hey, there's is nothing wrong with having so many things to try out.
Overall, after playing through Pokémon White, I had the same sort of satisfaction I had the first time I completed Pokémon Blue. I started off with a low level starter Pokémon and in the end, had a bunch of new friends, saved the world from an evil organization and became the strongest trainer in all the land. However, in Pokémon White there are still more friends to find, more places to explore and even tougher trainers to fight. So in the end, Pokémon Black & White are just as good as the more.