Pikachu, I don't think we're in Kanto anymore...

User Rating: 9.5 | Pocket Monsters Black DS
Take pokemon, give it a new coat of paint, sell it. This formula has always worked, and still does. You start out as an older character this time, dealing with more mature issues. You will find all the classic elements of pokemon, arrogant rival, collecting badges, and working like a slave to fill out some journal full of strange animals that take every opportunity to bite your face off. They finally figured out how to make good graphics on the DS, (now that it's successor is due) but this is more than a graphical revamp, they took each detail and made it better, pokemon aren't statues that spontaiously spew water/fire/etc at each other, they are living, breathing animals savagely trying to kill each other to please their master. Multiplayer, which used to be a pain, is now loaded with options, just stand on front of a friend, tap battle whereveyou may be in the game, and go head to head without waiting half an hour to find the right pokemon. If you need a new adventure with refreshing ideas, get black or white and choose your starter wisely.