It is another amzing pokemon game the only complaint i have is the 3d cities and areas the way you move is so annoying

User Rating: 10 | Pocket Monsters White DS
This game was another good addition to the pokemon series. the only quarrel i havewith is is the 3D walking around mechanics, i think they focused to much on throwing something that would be compatible for 3DS. Some of the the pokemon are reall y creative while others are really bad ideas. Not only are the ideas good and dumb but also the names are really dumb. ex. good name trubbish (garbage bag pokemon) ex. bad name lilipup. If you ask me the game play was rteally short and 6 of my pokemon where always 5-10 levels stronger than each gym leader and elite four. Also i think that the way you gain experiance was way too easy because of the two experiance shares you can get and the lucky egg ( which is an amzing item but it only gives extra experienbce when the pokemon was in the battle unlike experience share.