The game that you grew up with that did not grow up with you.

User Rating: 2.5 | Pocket Monsters Black DS
Do you remember that friend you had in grade school who everyone liked because of their eccentric and loud behavior? Do you remember how annoying it became as you matured and how sick you were of it by the time you reached Junior High? Pokemon Black is like finding that person after high school graduation and realizing he still gets-by by repeating the same irritating behaviors. Pokemon is not a game, its a time capsule from 1998.

Nintendo, being the company continually praised for its innovative attitude, takes a much more financially responsible approach to the Pokemon franchise and continues to rehash the same content iteration after iteration. While I can't argue with sales, and the "if it aint broke" attitude, I question how they're still getting away with this. In my mind, 250 new monsters does not a new Pokemon game make. However, Nintendo comes up with a few new collectible beasts and suddenly has, not one, but !THREE! new top selling games for its handheld console. After 13 years, I expect more.

Pokemon does not exist in a vacuum. Its expansive world was impressive on the 8 bit green-screen tank that was the original Game Boy. Now, the franchise is floundering in a sea of more enjoyable and creative on-the-go games. Without a major reworking of the gameplay, it is inevitable that the series will succumb to irrelevance. As is, the game is best described as simply "boring" and I would encourage anyone to spend their gaming dollars elsewhere.