The game that you grew up with that did not grow up with you.
Nintendo, being the company continually praised for its innovative attitude, takes a much more financially responsible approach to the Pokemon franchise and continues to rehash the same content iteration after iteration. While I can't argue with sales, and the "if it aint broke" attitude, I question how they're still getting away with this. In my mind, 250 new monsters does not a new Pokemon game make. However, Nintendo comes up with a few new collectible beasts and suddenly has, not one, but !THREE! new top selling games for its handheld console. After 13 years, I expect more.
Pokemon does not exist in a vacuum. Its expansive world was impressive on the 8 bit green-screen tank that was the original Game Boy. Now, the franchise is floundering in a sea of more enjoyable and creative on-the-go games. Without a major reworking of the gameplay, it is inevitable that the series will succumb to irrelevance. As is, the game is best described as simply "boring" and I would encourage anyone to spend their gaming dollars elsewhere.