User Rating: 1 | Pokemon Channel GC
WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH THIS GAME?!?!?!?!?????? This game is downright sad, and reminds me of a really bad sitcom i used to watch. It plays you as a couch potato (which you may already be one, i don't know) who hangs out with a pikachu. Sounds fun, right? WRONG. The game is just flat out boring and annoying, and has some really creepy things on it, such as "smoochum workout." starring a bunch of equally creepy smoochums. This game is so bad, it makes you want to puke on it (i'm not joking or overeggzadgerating) This game isnt worth 5 minutes of your time. 5 dollars or not, this is a waste, not including the "pichu & pichu short" which is probably it's best aspect. However, the pichu & pichu short can easily be found on youtube if you want to watch it, so it still isnt worth the money It isnt worth buying at all.