This game may be good, but it is missing quite a few things...

User Rating: 6 | Pokemon Colosseum GC
As we all know, it is a darn shame why can't we add Deoxys or Mew into Pokemon Colosseum. I don't like limitations based on why we could only catch 48 Pokemon. The graphics, settings and backgrounds may seem pale and obsolete, I'll admit the Pokemon in the game are much better than the backgrounds. The sound itself, well, Genious Sonority should have updated their sounds and sound effects. The music layouts are somewhat incomprehensible and inexplicable. I totally agree with most of you due to limitations and such, plus that the fact you cannot catch more Pokemon in this game. I am tottally dissapointed, yet outraged why we could not place our own Pokemon Parties in the beginning of the game, which made it difficult to play with just Espeon and Umbreon. It is also dissapointing to state that the colonge massages to purify your Pokemon makes it easier. No way. You would have to buy at least 30 or more of the Vivid Scent to purify just one Pokemon. I may have said that this was better than the 2D Pokemon games for the N64, but I gave it a second thought. This is a total letdown.