One thing that really ticked me off in this game is the method of saving. If you are used to the old Pokemon games then you know that you are able to save wherever you want, whenever you want (excluding in battle). In this game you can only save at PokeCenters or wherever there is one of the special computers used for storing Pokemon. Not only that, but when you white out, you do NOT go back to the most recent PokeCenter, but you go back ALL the way to where you last saved. You cannot even imagine my chagrin when I beat the dancing boss dude finally, white out later, and find that I’ve gone all the way back to before the weird dancing boss dude. That feeling is unspeakable.
The graphics are also kinda lame on everything except for the Pokemon. The Pokemon look outstanding but the people and the environments just don’t quite cut it. One final thing that there is cause to gripe at is the whole method of shadow Pokemon. The idea is interesting and I didn’t have a big deal with it until it came time for their hearts to be unlocked. I had my first Pokemon ready to be fully purified a couple of hours before I was actually able to. So I was sitting there with my two starters leveling up like crazy because I couldn’t do anything with the rest of them.
Despite these flaws, the game is still pretty stinkin’ fun and a good investment for simply beating the crap out of your friends. All in all it’s good to see Pokemon in 3D on a platform after a long absence.