Pokémon is back but not so good this time
Ok, In colosseum, you have two main modes. A colosseum mode and a story mode. The colosseum mode is a bit more like pokemon Stadium in which you just fight other people with cute and scary pokemon. The second and new mode to this game is called the story mode which is kind of like the gba games. The gameplay is just attacking other pokemon so you can win a match and there is not much in there so don't expect much.
The graphics are 3D but I did that they use models from pokemon Stadium 1 and 2 to fill in the pokemon that have not been seen in the GBA games. The graphics are not much better than in the N64 games and if you played those, you just going to see the same thing, just with new pokemon. Overall here, the graphic just pass to be a gamecube game.
With the new story mode, you are WES a ex member of team Snagem. Your job alone with Rui is to stop Team Snagem but there also another bad group called Cipher. They make Shadow pokemon which are pokemon with dark hearts. WES second job is to Snag the pokemon from other trainers and then make sure they become pure hearted again. This may seem fun but it not because it takes a long time just to get the shadow out of one pokemon and with 48 of them, you will be playing for a long time just to make them pure.
Most of the music in this game is forgettable, plain and simple. Most music is just some tune put in so that you can listen to something while you are in battle.Thats about it.
You can trade with some pokemon games to get some other pokemon and you can go though Mount battle to get a surpise but thats about it.
Pokemon colosseum does not have the power of the GBA game to be good and is mostly mediocre. You can still rent it and have a good time but you might notwant to buy it or you might be disappointed.