This game is just so fun pokemon fans will love this game its one of the best games on the GC its a must buy!!!
User Rating: 8.5 | Pokemon Colosseum GC
this game tells the tale of a about 14 year old boy who steals something called a SNAG MACHINE of team SNAGEM the boy is a member of team SNAGEM and he arrives in a place to stop and rest then you battle this noob guy who i beat without even taking damage then you go to a city covered in water and another 2 noobs come along with something in a sack so you beat them and they make a run for it then you open the sack and its a girl she calls you a knight of something like that then she says my name is and you get to name her I called her Jess (random) And that is where your adventure begins i'm not telling you anymore the rest is for you to find out!!
there are a few BAD points about the game but only tiny points 1 is you can't catch normal pokemon you can only snag shadow pokemon 2 is that shadow pokemon take a lot of hits to weaken then catch it 3 is you can get lost easily so pay attention to what people say or you will and I mean you will get lost.
but over all it is a good game and you should buy it and this ends my review thank you for reading.