Pokemon stadium is what would seem like pokemon stadium 3,but really,it is just a change in pokemon games.A bad change.

User Rating: 6.4 | Pokemon Colosseum GC
Pokemon stadium is what would seem like pokemon stadium 3,but really,it is just a change in pokemon games.The single player is not all that great,but it is decent.The visuals are a big improvement to other pokemon games,but other than that,it is not fun.If you are thinking of buying a pokemon game to get into the franchies,then do not get this game.If you are pokemon fan,then add this game to your collection,but just for the heck of it .Now the story.
It starts off with a teen geting a item called the snag machine.From there you can capture showdow pokemon.These pokemon are pokemon with a dark aura and your partner can tell which pokemon are shodow pokemon.They only have one attack and will sometimes hurt the trainer you are battleing.You have to capture 41 shodow pokemon.After taht it is over.
The good thing about this is that if you have pokemon ruby,sapphire,firered,leafgreen,or emarald,you can catch rare pokemon like the three cats,and Ho-Ho.Other than that,if you dont have any one of these games,then do not get this game.