This is the first 3-d RPG Pokemon game made. The game has big shoes to fill and I think it does a good job at it.
User Rating: 7.5 | Pokemon Colosseum GC
Pokemon Colosseum the next big game in the Pokemon series. This is the second Pokemon game for GameCube. The first being Pokemon Channel. Pokemon started out on the Gameboy and has found it’s way to other Nintendo platforms such as the Nintendo 64 and the GameCube. Pokemon Colosseum is pretty much the update of the Pokemon Stadium games found on the Nintendo 64. I think I shouldn’t have to explain the Pokemon craze that was in the US unless you have been living under a rock for the last few years. Story: This is the first 3-d RPG Pokemon game made. The game has big shoes to fill and I think it does a good job at it. This game takes place in a region called the Orre region. There is a corrupt organization that’s locking up the doors to Pokemon’s hearts. This is making them turn into shadow Pokemon. This might sound boring but it actually has a twist on the old Pokemon Formula you find in the GBA games. First off there is no wild Pokemon in this game. You must snag Pokemon from the opposing trainers., but you can only snag there shadow Pokemon and you cannot snag non shadow Pokemon. After you catch the shadow Pokemon you must unlock the doors to the Pokemon’s Heart. Graphics: The Graphics are decent. Definitely not the best I have seen on the Game Cube. The battle scenes look like updated graphics of the Nintendo 64 versions of the Pokemon Stadium games. The story mode the graphics are okay. Everything looks decent but nothing that would jump out at you and get your attention. I would have like to seen more animations in the battles but they are alright to Controls: The only real controlling done in this game like any RPG is walking and entering the commands. I had no problem with the controls. Easy and simple any one can get the controls down. Gameplay: The meat and bones of this game. This is where the game shines in my opinion. The story is decent and the challenges such as Mt. Battle are all setup good. If you played any Pokemon game then you know how the battle system works in this game. Such a simple concept has a large amount of strategy. All Pokemon have weaknesses against other types of Pokemon. For example Water Pokemon are super strong against Fire Pokemon. Common knowledge like that makes all the difference. Story mode you use snag balls to capture other trainer’s Pokemon. This is something new in the Pokemon series. This game also introduces Pokemon that was not available in Pokemon Ruby or Pokemon Sapphire for GameBoy Advance. The big deal is they can be traded to the GBA games and be used there. This creates new and interesting matches that was not possible in the game before. Music: Nothing exciting here. There is a catchy tune here or there but nothing to exciting that would make you jump out of your seat. Also another complaint of mine is that they use the GameBoy sounds for the Pokemon’s cry still. They should be able to do real voices like in the cartoon. It’s minor but would have been a nice touch. Overall a good game. A nice attempt at a 3-d Pokemon game and it was a Very good. This is a game that should not be missed by Pokemon fans. If your new to this series I think you should start off with the handheld version first. Pros: First 3-d Pokemon RPG! Pokemon from older Pokemon games are in here and are transferable to the new GBA games Lots of Replay Cons: Average graphics and music More animations needed Uses the GBA Pokemon’s cries All in all a good game. I give Pokemon Colosseum a 7.5 out of 10.