Easily the worst Pokemon game and second worst DS game to grace the DS, bar none. This is racing at its worst.
User Rating: 2.1 | Pokemon Dash DS
Pokemon has been arund for about 9 years now. With its phenomenal first releases, Pokemon Red and Blue, you'd think this series would never die. it was a simple, yet involving RPG that twists the formula around, allowing you to capture different pokemon to use as your team. It has spunoff many other Pokemon games, but the worst of them are the ones that stray from the formula that made Pokemon RPGs work. Now, Nintendo has released a Pokemon game for the DS, but wait: its a racing game? That's right, folks. Simply put: This is easily the worst Pokemon game and second worst game to grace the DS, bar none. This is racing at its worst. Here is a warning: unless you have a screen protecter or you don't care about you DS touch screen becoming scratched, DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME. Basically, what you do, is in a race, you repeatedly scratch the surface of the touch screen fast enough in the direction that you want to move. But, eventually, if you play it too long, your DS screen will not take the pressure anymore. Aside from that, it just isn't fun. It is ridiculously easy to win a race, and since there isn't a huge variety of gameplay, you'll be doing the same thing over and over again. You occasionally get a power boost or fly into air, but because aren't much fun either, and because they're so rare, you will never want to play this game...ever. The sound and graphic quality of the game are pretty bad, but they are sadly the best qualities of the game. You'll be seeing a lot of the same green tress and blue water in every ciurse, with a chunk of yellow for Pikachu, and a chunk of red for Torchic. Not to mention that, even though this game is 3D, it isn't very hard to pull off with only 6 scarcely different chunks of color. The basic action is running, anyways, so it could have at least looked a bit better. The sound doesn't farewell either. It's better than all of the other aspects because you don't hear much from the game. But the sounds that you do hear, are pretty terrible, and the music isn't that great, either. To put it this way: Pokemon Dash is suicidal to your gaming collection and the well-being of your DS. It just isn't fun to play, and to top it all off, you'll harm your touch screen. Don't pay $30 for this hunk a junk. I'm glad I didn't.