This game is so addicting, I'm playing it while I type this review. Enough said. This is one heck of a game.
Story: The story is similar to most other pokemon games. You start out at in a sleepy little village with only your mom and your pokemon by your side. You are sent on a journey to "Catch 'em all" Along the way you meet new trainers, get to new cities, level up and evolve your pokemon, and earn gym badges. You must obtain all badges before you're allowed to face the toughest of the tough, The Elite Four. This is basically been the story in all the pokemon games. As usually you have the bad guys who just want to mess up everything and, in this game, destroy the universe. The bad guys in this pokemon game are "Team Galactic". They want to use Dialga/Palkia to destroy the universe, thus, being able to create their own universe. After beating The Elite Four, you go to that island that you were probably wondering what that was? You also get to find new pokemon that you can only find after you obtain the "National Dex". Gameplay: Once you obtain your Pokemon and get into a battle, you are presented with a nice battle screen where you can either use the touch screen or the D-Pad to choose the attacks you want your pokemon to perform. This is great and smoothe and feels very natural. When you're walking the world you use the D-Pad to move and A to talk to people.
Graphics: The graphics are basic 2-D and at time you notice that the buildings look three-dimensional so there basically the same as ruby and sapphire. The battle screen is improved, the pokemon now move when you see them in battle. That's about it for graphics.
Sound: The sound is everything you expect from a high quality pokemon game, it's awesome! The pokemon voices have been recycled from previous games but it just give alot of nostalgia.
Online Multiplayer: Online is very robust and has a very good feel to it. You can do GTS (Global Trading System) and put your Pokemon up for trade online and you specifically pick what pokemon you want for it. There is also an option of trading online with friends over nintendo Wi-Fi, unfortunately the only problem is you both need to enter each other's friend code to play together. You can also battle people in a number of events, normal battle, double battle, and level 100 battles. It is good for what you would expect from nintendo. The best feature though is using the microphone to actually talk to your opponents. This is awesome so that when you beat someone you can rub it in their face. If you didn't have to enter friend codes, this would be the best game on DS in terms of online. Overall Summary: This game in my opinion is one of if not the best game on the Nintendo DS. I highly recommend you pick it up if you own a DS. That is why I give Pokemon Diamond/Pearl 9.9/10
See you all next time! :D (took me two hours to write this review!)