My review will completely help you decide if this game is right for you.

User Rating: 9.7 | Pocket Monsters Diamond DS
What I love about this game is the fact that you can virtually get any previous pokemon, especially legendaries, that aren't as easy to get in Emerald. This still doesn't own up to the originals like Gold or Silver but it still is pretty impressive. The region isn't as cool as the past regions like Kanto or Johto where you can find Lugia, Ho-Oh , the legendary birds, etc. Most of all I miss trying to catch the whole "alphabet" of Unknowns. The only thing that I would have to change about this game is to have all the regions available for you to fly/surf/whatever to. Also the game won't appeal very in-depth to players who have played Gold, Silver, Yellow, and/or Red/Blue versions because the AI (Artificial itellegence- artificial means fake and intellegence is how smart you are, just for younger readers) doesn't like to tell long stories. If you remember visiting the towers in Ecruteak city you might remember an old man who told you the WHOLE STORY OF THE BURNT TOWER. If you actually read it, it took forever and a day. Most of the peeps in this game just give you a quick little summed up story. This can be good and bad depending on your situation. Overall it's a great game especially if you like seeing familiar pokemon, like the one's you used to battle when pokemon was "all the rage".(it still kinda is but not as much) It's really cool to have like a Charizard,Mudkip,Quilava,Mankey,Kingler, and let's say Rayquaza in your party all at once. Also, this is NOT the best game to start out with if your new to the series. You need like Gold, Silver, or even Yellow, Red or blue, maybe even crystal.