You won't see many things that seperate Diamond from most of the other Pokemon games, but that might be for the best!

User Rating: 8.7 | Pocket Monsters Diamond DS
You won't see many things that seperate Diamond from most of the other Pokemon games, but that might be for the best! Pokemon Diamond keeps the exact same Pokemon formula that every other version has managed to mantain. New creatures, new "legendary" creatures for the story for base itsself around, and a new team bent on ruling on the world. Now, if you're new to the Pokemon world, this might not make much sense. In fact, you might be raising an eyebrow right now, even! But not to worry. Diamond is still a good place to start your adventure. Honestly, any of the versions is a safe way to start out! So, be sure to give it a try even if you ARE new to Pokemon. Okay, now to back the review. First, the plot. Now, like every other Pokemon game, the plot revolves around defeating eight beefed up Pokemon Trainers (called "Gym Leaders"), and collecting the badges from them. Also like the other Pokemon games, there's an organization trying to rule the world that YOU have to stop. Which also adds a little more of a story than beating a few trainers. In THIS version, you'e up against "Team Galactic". They wish to control the legendary Pokemon (Palkia for Pokemon Pearl and Dialga for Pokemon Diamond) to re-create the universe. Not only that, but the new universe is one where Team Galactic rules! Shocking, no? Well, okay, it wasn't, but I didn't make the game, so shut it! Anyways, that's basically the story. You travel the brand spankin' new Sinnoh region, beat trainers, gym leaders, and Team Galactic. Of course, that's not NEAR all the game has to offer! There're also various NEW Pokemon to fill up your Poke-Dex! Which is good, since you now have a fresh selection of Pokemon to look at while filling up your Poke-Dex. And, of course, there're still the old Pokemon. However, most of them can only be seen by getting the National Dex, a nice upgrade only given to those who've seen all 150 Pokemon in the Sinnoh Region. There's also still the Elite Four (or Pokemon League), which really hasn't changed much. However, there ARE a couple new things added into the mix! First off, there's an extra part of Sinnoh only accessable after defeating the Pokemon League. This area has three new islands, as well as stronger Pokemon and trainers for you to keep battling even after beating the game. Another thing worthy of mention is the Pal Park! After getting the National Dex, you can go to a newly built park, called the Pal Park. What you do is, if you put a GBA Pokemon game into the GBA slot in your DS, you can transfer 6 Pokemon everyday into the Pal Park for you to catch! What happens is, you search the different areas of the Pal Park (the Pokemon's type determines where it'll be hiding) to find your 6 transfered Pokemon. When you come across one, you throw a ball (it's not a real battle, it's a lot like the Safari Zone) and catch the lil' booger. And, the Pokemon will be at the same level, have the same stats, and have the same item(s) it had while it was in your GBA game! It's a useful way to "Catch 'em All". ;o Now, with what's been said about Pokemon Diamond (or Pearl), I hope you've been persuaded to give it a chance. Simply because, Poke-Fan or Newbie, this game is simply fun to play!