Best Pokemon Game to Date.
- The Wi-Fi connection makes it a lot easier to get the Pokemon you want and battle with your friends
- Friend Codes make Wi-Fi safer because they keep everyone away from hackers or cheaters and close to friends
- The game looks much clearer and some non 2D graphics have been added
- The sound is truly astonishing, I haven't seen sound this catchy or additive in almost every other game I've played.
- This game will last a VERY long time before it gets dull, boring or unenjoyable
- Adds many new features like the Poketch, Super Contests, Touch Screen Interface, and much more.
- Amazing new Pokemon
- The Pokemon cries could be a bit clearer
- This may not apply to everyone but if a Pokemon is traded from a Japanese game to an English game the Japanese characters in its name will not go away unless the Pokemon evolves, and even if it does evolve the characters will only be English characters if the Pokemon was not given a nickname. This is a real pain on Wi-Fi if your trading Pokemon with someone who has the Japanese version of the game, especially on the GTS where many Pokemon have japanese names.