Nice game no doubt!!! Anyone not interested in Pokemon PLEASE do NOT review this game; this will result a biased view..

User Rating: 9.8 | Pocket Monsters Diamond DS
Very nice game! QUITE a few changes from ruby/sapphire/firered/leafgreen!!! First of all, the GRAPHIC!!! The whole thing is 3D!!! (otherwise the graphics is kinda like ruby/sapphire..of course a bit better..since it's on DS) There are new music! also some old ones remixed!! Music is nice to hear..of course, like the older versions, they repeat(i'm sure everyone knows this lol) There are NEW MAPS! NEW GYMLEADERS! NEW POKEMON!!!!! Of course some old Pokemon in there too...but...some old pokemon that originally do not evolve can now evolve! for example, roselia has a preevolved form AND an evolved form!! Murkrow has an evolved form!! and a LOT MORE! Also the bike u get is dual-function! O right...and new villain and new rival! However, the change that I LIKE THE MOST IS...... that..well this might take a while to explain...but I'm sure u pokemon fans can easily understand! You know how types (and thus attack types) are categorized into Physical and Special?(for example, Fire is a special atk, and Fighting is a physical atk) In all the older versions, special/physical attacks are COMPLETELY according to which TYPE!!!! BUTTTT , in diamond and Pearl, this CHANGED! Now the attacks are categorized into "Physical", "Special" and "Other" INDEPENDENT OF TYPES!!!!!!! It depends on the NATURE of attack!!! For example, BITE is a dark attack, thus u may assume it's a special attack, but, as u know BITE is quite physical! therefore, Bite / crunch in diamond/pearl is a PHYSICAL attack (still Dark type attacks)! Therefore, a Pokemon's ATTACK stats determine the strength of this DARK attack, not SPECIAL ATTACK stat! (same goes for defense / sp. def)! Another example is the Electric attack, SPARK, was normally a special attack 'cause it's electric, but in diamond/pearl they change it to physical (Since in cartoon spark = turn whole body into electric and tackle opponent...quite physical)....therefore, Spark, still an electric attack, is actually a PHYSICAL electric attack! (atks like thunder shock / thunder bolt are still special attack ofcourse). And...Hyperbeam, a very strong normal attack is now a SPECIAL attack! as u know, hyperbeam is a beam of...something...not really in diamond/pearl they change this into a SPECIAL...... (also, Shadow Ball is now a special the side effect of shadow ball (lower sp. def) can actually come to use!) atks like growl, leer... are part of "Others" group.

In short, attacks are categorized by their NATURE, not on their type! So, if U have a Dark Type Pokemon which u discover it is more specialized in ATTACK rather than special attack, u shouldn't be sad, instead , should be HAPPY, since strongest dark type attack, crunch, depends on the ATTACK stat! Anyways, a VERY good game to try out! I know English Version isn't out yet, but for anyone who's played a lotta pokemon before, Japanese pokmeon shouldn't be THAT much of a problem.(still worth playing..just dunno names...) It'll take MONTHS before English version comes out....too late.....